
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Instanatural's Stretch Mark & Cellulite Creams

I have said this once before, but I do not know a woman in the world that doesn't have a stretch mark or some form of cellulite somewhere on her body; I'm not familiar with a man who doesn't either. The greatest invention ever made was stretch mark and cellulite creams that could help all of us hide those annoying little imperfections. I have always been an advocate of stretch marks because each one comes from my children and I have worn them proudly for almost 12 years, but I too would like my body to look younger. However, after trying different creams I was pretty much over the idea. Then, my all-time favorite company InstaNaturals sent me a full size sample of their stretch mark cream and their cellulite cream! Once I started using the stretch mark and the cellulite creams from InstaNaturals I knew that they had made yet another amazing product(s) that actually work! I have been using both creams for a few weeks every night and I have seen a noticeable difference in the coloring of my stripes, they are now a light pink color instead of that deepened reddish purple!!!! Now that would make any momma proud!

Cellulite cream:
Stretch mark & Scar Cream:

Disclaimer: Life With Six Children received this product for free or at a discounted rate in exchange for providing an honest and unbiased review. The opinions stated are those of Life With Six Children and do not reflect the views or opinions of the sponsoring company, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube or any additional sites that may host this review. All products reviewed by Life With Six Children are tested and reviews contain an honest opinion of the results. Life With Six Children makes no guarantees on any product and is not liable for any results you may experience. Life With Six Children does not offer medical advice. Any medical related reviews posted are strictly the opinions of the writer. Our opinions should not be considered medical advise. All medical questions should be discussed with your physician. You should consult your physician before starting any medication, supplements, exercise program and using any medical devises. You may contact Life With Six Children with any questions or comments at

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