
Monday, December 8, 2014

Money saving/making Apps

Everyone works hard for their money and we all know that stuff doesn't grow on trees (despite what our children believe)! So, if you're anything like me then every penny saved is very helpful. I use three main apps that help me save extra money.... 

ibotta is a great app and they have a large selection of stores and items. I often forget to redeem my savings, but I'm trying to remember because you can really save a lot of money! For example, last week I bought a 6 pack of Zest soap for $3, I had a $.75 coupon and then Ibotta gave me $.75 cash back so I paid only $1.50 for it!!!!! I was so happy! Additionally, they give you bonuses to complete and once completed they will add more money to your amount redeemed.... So, it's free money too! For instance, in December they have 3 different goals and if you get all 3 completed they will give you an additional $30!!!! If you haven't already downloaded the app then follow my referral code and do so now! Oh, and before I forget the bigger your team (all your friends who also use the app) the faster it is to reach your monthly goals!

Checkout 51 is a great app because it is not store specific like Ibotta. However, their selection of items is not as extensive..... But the cool thing is if you redeem an offer on Ibotta and Checkout 51 has the same item then you can use the same receipt and get double the savings! Here's there link:

Now the last one is the Savings Catcher that Walmart has! This is a super cool offer from Walmart.... Again I often forget to submit my receipts but I'm trying to get better at that! This one is the easiest to use, you just scan your receipt and then wait for them to search through their database of sales (normally takes 2-4 days)!

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